This forum is only for reproducible bugs with csf and lfd (i.e. not iptables problems, lack of understanding how to use a feature, etc). Posts must be accompanied with full technical details of the problem and how it can be recreated. Any posts not adhering to this, or not considered bugs, will be moved to the General Discussion (csf) forum.
when logged into the server with Firefox, I can try logging into someones Cpanel via firefox endlessly, no lockout. I do receive email notices that my ip is locked out but checking /etc/csf/csf.deny, my ip is not listed and I can still access the server.
Trying a different way, I add my IP manually to the deny list and I still can access the server with Firefox. Only when using then a different browser ( IE) I am locked out and the lockout message appears
This appears to be a bug that connections with Firefox are not terminated by the firewall
Is your IP address whitelisted in csf.allow, csf.ignore or do you have the RELAYHOSTS option enabled? You should perform a csf --grep on your IP address to find out.