Some spam being forwarded to spam@domain, and some not

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Some spam being forwarded to spam@domain, and some not

Post by poppyq »

Not sure how this is happening, but I have emails being sent to my email address and I have it set to send all low scoring spam to a spam mailbox, also at my domain. However, I am getting some of the spam emails in the spam mailbox and some in my regular inbox. I have tried forwarding to a different mailbox and this still occurs. For some reason some are still making it through to my personal email rather than being forwarded to the spam mailbox. Any ideas?
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Joined: 09 Dec 2006, 22:49

Post by Sarah »

You'd have to look at the headers for the emails that are being forwarded and not forwarded and determine what is different between them. For instance, are the not-forwarded ones actually being forwarded from a different domain that has a different setting?
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