This forum is only for reproducible bugs with csf and lfd (i.e. not iptables problems, lack of understanding how to use a feature, etc). Posts must be accompanied with full technical details of the problem and how it can be recreated. Any posts not adhering to this, or not considered bugs, will be moved to the General Discussion (csf) forum.
Greetings, in the past couple months, I had noticed that any cluster related commands issued on the CLI (possibly affecting cluster operations) are resulting in the following error:
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Crypt::CBC" at /usr/sbin/csf line 812.
On a fresh install of Debian 12, I've installed just about every Perl module relating to encryption available to see if it resolves the issue, but it does not. I can see the CSF also has a Crypt::CBC module located at
Actually, this might be due to a flub in my configuration settings for CLUSTER_SENDTO and CLUSTER_RECVFROM. I am using a file for each of them, but somehow managed to be empty for a change. Repopulating it with proper data made the error go away on the cli.
It might be wise to make the cluster sendto process where line 812 was originally throwing an error to throw a CLI error that IP data is missing from CLUSTER_SENDTO and/or CLUSTER_RECVFROM.