Prevent {Spam?} from being forwarded

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Prevent {Spam?} from being forwarded

Post by poppyq »

I have a customer who has all of their email aliases forwarded to other external accounts such as Yahoo and Hotmail. This causes a problem as it has been forwarding {Spam?} and {DefinitelySpam?} email to these external accounts. Yahoo doesn't like my server anymore because to them it looks like my server is spamming theirs. Is there any specific way to allow email to get forwarded that doesn't have the Spam tags, but still forward the safe email? Right now my only option seems to be to set that customer to delete all spam emails, including the low-scoring, which isn't really an option since real email could be caught in it. I would appreciate any ideas.

Posts: 941
Joined: 09 Dec 2006, 22:49

Post by Sarah »

Hi Joe,

You could have email marked as spam forwarded to a different account, i.e. set up a "" account and forward spam there. Obviously they need to check that account regularly and delete the spam manually themselves to avoid the account filling up with spam and then bouncing any further spam. To do this, first set up the mailbox in cPanel. If it is simply, then there is a ready-made option to forward high-scoring and/or low-scoring mail to this mailbox built-in to the cPanel MS front-end in the drop-down list. Or, if you want it to be forwarded to some other email address, first add that address in the cPanel front-end "Other settings", and then it will appear as an option in the drop-down list for spam actions.

Other than that, spam must be delivered or deleted. If you set up MailScanner to store all emails in quarantine (search the FAQ for quarantine), you can then set it to delete spam for this domain, and if there are any false positives as long as they are reported within the number of days you keep the mail in quarantine, you can release the mail to the client.
Posts: 941
Joined: 09 Dec 2006, 22:49

Post by Sarah »

Addendum: I am assuming you have the MailScanner Front-End. If you do not, you can still configure MailScanner to forward mail to a different address by editing the rules files manually.
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