Update URL seems to be wrong

These forums are not for questions about ModSecurity, just the cmc script itself
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Joined: 19 Jul 2013, 19:41

Update URL seems to be wrong

Post by loxfox »

A few user already reported this issue in the general section.

It looks like the script isn't downloading the installationpackage from configserver.com and then is unable to extract the non-existing package.

Code: Select all

Retrieving new cmc package...

Unpacking new cmc package...

tar (child): cmc.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
sh: line 0: cd: cmc: No such file or directory
sh: install.sh: No such file or directory

Tidying up...

...All done. 
Updating via shell is still possible,

Paths are available

To me it looks like the update code inside cmc.cgi needs a change.

Code: Select all

wget --sec=TLSv1 -q https://download.configserver.com/cmc.tgz
The sec=TLSv1 is not working anymore. The server "download.configserver.com" is no longer serving TLS v1.0 (which is good), but wget is forced to use TLSv1 to connect to download.configserver. Which results in no download at all.

Thanks for offering this forum.

That is valid for cmc v3.0
In cmc v3.01 the wget enforcement of TLSv1 was removed.
So users need to update via a different way.
Posts: 1524
Joined: 01 Oct 2008, 09:24

Re: Update URL seems to be wrong

Post by ForumAdmin »

That issue was addressed quite some time ago and the solution for those that have not updated in a long time is as quoted in one of the threads you listed. If you are running a very old version of the scripts, you may have to manually update them by running through the install procedure, or use the updater script:
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