spamassassin custom scores not working

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spamassassin custom scores not working

Post by TheTechGuide »

Hi, running MailScanner v4.84.5 and in the past have always put custom rules scores in /usr/mailscanner/etc/spamassassin.user.prefs.conf

Recently the custom scores in this file are being ignored and a score from somewhere else is being used. For example in spamassassin.user.prefs.conf I have
score URIBL_BLACK 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

But when URIBL_BLACK is triggered by an email message, the score is reporting a 4. I can't figure out where the 4 score is coming from rather than a 6? Thanks for any assistance.
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Re: spamassassin custom scores not working

Post by bacngoctuan »

I also have the same questions as you. Thanks for any assistance.
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Re: spamassassin custom scores not working

Post by TheTechGuide »

Hey bacngoctuan, here is what I finally found on my server~
Look in the /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file. See if there is an "include" statement that is adding other .cf files to the list of configuration files that are checked. I found that our hosting company had sent out an email recently saying they were helping everyone out by pushing some custom spamassasin rules to each server. Our server is supposed to be "unmanaged" but sometimes they forget and they pushed a .cf file into /etc/mail/spamassassin and then modified the and added an include statement to point to their file. Our rules are much better and we noticed a difference in spam filtering right away :(

Your mileage may vary, but hope this info helps you find your problem. In general, I would say somewhere somehow, some other .cf file got put into one of the default directories and it is over-riding your /usr/mailscanner/etc/spamassassin.user.prefs.conf file.
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