Is there a way to make LF_SELECT work with custom ports. For example, if I change IMAP port to some 34433, then it doesnt work, as on deny list you only have 143,193 and no custom port is appearing there?
I checked and found a set of default ports there:
Code: Select all
if ($config{LF_SELECT} and !$config{LF_TRIGGER}) {
$ports{pop3d} = "110,995";
$ports{imapd} = "143,993";
$ports{htpasswd} = "80,443";
$ports{mod_security} = "80,443";
$ports{mod_qos} = "80,443";
$ports{symlink} = "80,443";
$ports{cxs} = "80,443";
$ports{bind} = "53";
$ports{suhosin} = "80,443";
$ports{cpanel} = "2077,2078,2082,2083,2086,2087,2095,2096";
$ports{ftpd} = "20,21";
$ports{smtpauth} = "25,465,587";
$ports{eximsyntax} = "25,465,587";
$ports{webmin} = "10000";
Is there a way to add this functionality to conf file? Or I am missing something?