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Cannot change csf.blocklists

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 08:13
by cascer1

I found that one entry in csf.blocklists (RBN) returns a 404 and I figured I'd disable the list. I even found some alternative rules by emerging threats.
The problem is that whenever I edit csf.blocklists, either using the WHM interface or via SSH, it seems to work at first and then after some time it just resets again. I can't comment out the line either.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong that's causing this issue? I've tried stopping csf+lfd before modifying the file and that doesn't help either.


Re: Cannot change csf.blocklists

Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 22:02
by kirkvan
I see that your post is fairly old and was never answered. I've just discovered the same on my server.

The RBN URL found in csf.blocklists generates a 404 Error: