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How to use Wildcard

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 19:03
by Cloudpockets
Hello, I'm sorry this is probably a very basic question.

We are getting a lot of "Suspicious Process" notifications for normal things like Wordpress Cron, etc...

I'd rather not have to add a new line in the pignore file for every client. How would I go about ignoring the following, but for ALL clients?

/usr/bin/php /home/clientUsername/public_html/wp-cron.php

Re: How to use Wildcard

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 05:49
by Sergio
In the notification comes more specific info about the "Suspicious Process", if you write the first 10 lines of the notification, it would be possible to know what is causing that.

If you don't want to post those lines, then check for "User:", "Executable file: " or "Command line:", some times the "wildcard" is the "Executable" that triggered the notification and adding that to the pignore will help.