Help Installing/Restoring from corrupt file.
Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 17:55
I've googled this a bit, but am not having any luck. Part of our perl libraries seems to be corrupted, and I have tried to --force to reinstall, but I am not sure which exact modules or command I should run to get this back up.
It is on a cpanel ( WHM 11.48.4 (build 4) ) /CentOS system, and when I try to reinstall csf, I get this:
Also, I'm getting a 500 Internal server error when trying to go to csf through cpanel. Everything else seems to be working correctly.
Would someone kindly let me know the way to correct this and get all the proper Perl modules and dependencies restored?
It is on a cpanel ( WHM 11.48.4 (build 4) ) /CentOS system, and when I try to reinstall csf, I get this:
Code: Select all
Checking Perl modules...mode of `' retained as 0700 (rwx------)
Geo/ did not return a true value at (eval 6) line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 6) line 2.
HTTP/ did not return a true value at (eval 9) line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 9) line 2.
Net/CIDR/ did not return a true value at (eval 10) line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 10) line 2.
Using configuration defaults
You need to install the missing perl modules and then install csf
Would someone kindly let me know the way to correct this and get all the proper Perl modules and dependencies restored?