CentOS 7 GUI crashes on change && csf+lfd restart
Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 22:03
Whenever changes are made, applied (via "Change"), and you select the "Restart csf+lfd" option (button) the GUI crashes and cannot load. Here's where it gets interesting.
If you do systemctl restart csf.service and systemctl restart lfd.service no dice still.
For some reason you have to revert back to the old service csf restart and service lfd restart to bring the GUI back online as systemctl for some reason doesn't do the trick.
If you do systemctl restart csf.service and systemctl restart lfd.service no dice still.
For some reason you have to revert back to the old service csf restart and service lfd restart to bring the GUI back online as systemctl for some reason doesn't do the trick.