I've tried killing the process, hard restarting the server and addedAccount: mysql
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 1857 > 1800 (seconds)
Executable: /bin/dash
Command Line: /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
PID: 28390 (Parent PID:28390)
Killed: No
Code: Select all
It appears to be a result of the following package upgrades:
libmysqlclient18 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-client 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-client-5.6 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-client-core-5.6 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-common 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-server 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-server-5.6 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
mysql-server-core-5.6 5.6.17-1~dotdeb.1
Has anyone else come across this issue or have any suggestions other than adding mysql to the ignore list?