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Possible to use exiqgrep with MailScanner?

Posted: 06 Feb 2014, 21:09
by sozotech
Is it possible to use the exiqgrep to look at the MailScanner queues since they are in an alternate location?

I tried the following but it didn't work.

Code: Select all

exiqgrep -r /etc/exim_outgoing.conf
Best regards,

Re: Possible to use exiqgrep with MailScanner?

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 21:10
by sozotech
I am still searching for a solution to using exiqgrep with mailscanner to find and remove mail messages from the queue from the command line but have come up short. I found this old forum posting but it did not seem to have an answer.

So am I just out of luck? Surely someone else has come up with a solution for this?


Re: Possible to use exiqgrep with MailScanner?

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 16:23
by sozotech
Is there any way to remove emails from the command line using exiqgrep or some other utility once mailscanner is installed and uses an alternate outbound mail queue?
