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Treat "Disarmed" as Maybe Spam?

Posted: 05 Nov 2013, 10:40
by hotwired
I have my maybe spam set at 2 and definitely spam set at 5 but still get TONS of spam each day, even after daily ham/spam training server wide. 99% of my spam says {disarmed} -- it APPEARS that if an email is marked "Disarmed" then it is delivered rEGARDLESS of how many spam criteria it has. So far, manually viewing through all the disarmed emails, I have NEVER RECEIVED an email marked DISARMED that was ALSO a desirable or ham email, hence I'm comfortable having them stopped. Does anyone know a way to do this?

Re: Treat "Disarmed" as Maybe Spam?

Posted: 05 Nov 2013, 11:28
by Sarah
You can block these messages by changing some settings in the MailScanner Configuration. The relevant settings are "Allow IFrame Tags", "Allow Form Tags", and "Allow Script Tags". If you set all these "allow ..." settings to "no" these messages will be blocked. I'm not sure if an email will be sent to the sender to let them know, you would need to check this after changing these settings.