We are having a bad interaction between CSF and SSSD. SSSD starts at 12 and CSF starts at 15. When CSF starts, it starts blocking packets for a period of time (sometimes several seconds) while it sorts out its policies (csf.allow). We do not have an extensive set of policies, but maybe 20 or so lines of csf.allow. When CSF blocks these packets during startup, it confuses sssd, and makes it so that I can't login (except as root on the console, which is annoying).
Code: Select all
# grep chkconfig iptables csf sssd
iptables:# chkconfig: 2345 08 92
csf:# chkconfig: 2345 15 80
sssd:# chkconfig: - 12 88
Code: Select all
# chkconfig: 2345 08 80
Thanks in advance,