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Running in Restricted Mode

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 03:26
by Zam Ltda

We have Version "cxs v3.04" when repair this Bug ??

Another problem, when pysh the boton "QUARANTINE" we have "/cuarentenacxs" directory and push "VIEW QUARANTINE" send message "Directory [/cuarentenacxs] is not a cxs quarantine directory" and can't view results.

This is a bug too for this version?? this are fixed in the next version?

Best Regards

Re: Running in Restricted Mode

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 08:27
by ForumAdmin
That indicates that the directory you are trying to use for quarantine is not chmod 1777. What is the output for:

Code: Select all

ls -lad /cuarentenacxs