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CMM Error when Adding an Accout
Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 23:16
by JDStallings
Found that when you use CMM to add a new email account and you have not used a strong enough password based on your password strength, CMM will tell you that it created the account when it actually has not.
Re: CMM Error when Adding an Accout
Posted: 27 Oct 2010, 19:19
by lyttek
I'm finding the same error occuring regardless of password strength.
I've used the following passwords to no avail:
No errors reported... says account is created, but it's not. This seems oddly similar to the problem I've seen several times where attempting to adjust the quota of a mailbox does the same thing... CMM says it changed it, but it doesn't.
Re: CMM Error when Adding an Accout
Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 10:48
by chirpy
I'll be releasing a new version soon that traps the messages coming from the cPanel binary so that problems are properly reported.