Where is --> spam.assasssin.prefs.conf
Posted: 28 May 2009, 07:18
I am trying to speed up MailScanner on one of our servers, so in the MailScanner configs we have this:
# If you are using the Bayesian statistics engine on a busy server,
# you may well need to force a Bayesian database rebuild and expiry
# at regular intervals. This is measures in seconds.
# 1 day = 86400 seconds.
# To disable this feature set this to 0.
# Note: If you enable this feature, set "bayes_auto_expire 0" in
# spam.assasssin.prefs.conf which you will find in the same
# directory as this file.
Rebuild Bayes Every =
Okay, so where it says "If you enable this feature..." I would like to add "bayes_auto_expire 0" but I am unable to locate spam.assasssin.prefs.conf
Where might I find this file, or if I need to install it, where does it go? In the same directory as /usr/mailscanner/etc/ ?
# If you are using the Bayesian statistics engine on a busy server,
# you may well need to force a Bayesian database rebuild and expiry
# at regular intervals. This is measures in seconds.
# 1 day = 86400 seconds.
# To disable this feature set this to 0.
# Note: If you enable this feature, set "bayes_auto_expire 0" in
# spam.assasssin.prefs.conf which you will find in the same
# directory as this file.
Rebuild Bayes Every =
Okay, so where it says "If you enable this feature..." I would like to add "bayes_auto_expire 0" but I am unable to locate spam.assasssin.prefs.conf
Where might I find this file, or if I need to install it, where does it go? In the same directory as /usr/mailscanner/etc/ ?