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Using CSF only as an IP address whitelist/blacklist...

Posted: 29 Jun 2024, 01:44
by TravvyTrav
Hey guys,

I'm currently trying to block all incoming traffic to my server that does NOT come from my CDN IP addresses, and I'm hoping to do that with some kind of Allowlist, while denying all others.

My only concern is that I use Atomic Secured Linux (Atomic Protector) for my mod_security rules, and I don't want to create any kind of conflicts that might exist when running two different firewall softwares.

I'm hoping to be able to disable ALL CSF functions except for, IP address control... so there will be no conflicts. CSF will just block all IP addresses that are not Quic.Cloud nodes IP addresses.

Is this possible? If so, how can I disable everything but IP address control within CSF?

Thank you for your time and help with this!