Hey guys.
I have been using MailScanner for some time and have had few challenges improving its filtering.
One of these few challenges is being able to identify some messages correctly, my current challenge is.
Let's say I have a domain called
domain1.com hosted on MSFE.
I have received messages from outside the server with a falsified from header, they add the same recipient address to the sender, this causes confusion in MS and unfortunately the messages are incorrectly delivered to the inbox.
The situation gets even worse when users start to think that they have been victims of improper access.
Apparently MS has a feature called Watermarking that can help with this, but unfortunately we didn't see any improvement.
One solution I thought of was to reject all messages that have the wrong SPF, however I would like to know how I can do this?
I thought there was this in cpanel, but I looked for it and couldn't find it, I think it's because spamassassin is disabled.
So, am I thinking about solving it in the best way?
Is there any better way?
Thanks a lot for the help.