I was wondering if anybody has any insight into this issue we are seeing. We have centos6 and csf with cpanel integration installed. Sometimes a users IP will be blocked, and after being removed, the hostname will still remain blocked in iptables.
After trying to remove the block through CSF it's saying it doesnt exist:
Code: Select all
Unblock 184.153.XXX.XX, trying permanent blocks...
csf: 184.153.XXX.XX not found in csf.deny
Unblock 184.153.XXX.XX, trying temporary blocks...
csf: There are no temporary IP bans
csf: There are no temporary IP allows
Code: Select all
root@server [~]# iptables -L |grep 184.153.XXX.XX
DROP all -- cpe-184-153-XXX-XX.twcny.res.rr.com anywhere
LOGDROPOUT all -- anywhere cpe-184-153-XXX-XX.twcny.res.rr.com