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Resource Usage?

Posted: 23 Mar 2008, 02:39
by Lucas
I am kind of a beginner on general Linux issues/performance/security things but keep learning everyday by my own re-search.

I wanted to know if MailScanner with ClamAV is that serious on resource usage?

I currently run a Quad Core Xeon 2.4GHz with 4GB RAM. I am interested in installing this 2 products which I believe I could easily do and try to optimize them. Is it really that resource intensive since all the warnings I see make me feel like it could severely affect our servers performance.


Posted: 23 Mar 2008, 11:29
by sdjl
I think it depends entirely on how much email you intend your server to handle.
I run it on a couple of VPS's that only have 768MB of RAM and handle roughly 3k - 5k emails a day. This is on top of apache, PHP, MySQL and all the other cPanel related software running. I have no performance problems and generally have around 200MB RAM left for usage.