Getting emails re: Excessive resource usage: tcpdump,
Any suggestions please?
Account: tcpdump
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 160445 > 3000 (seconds)
Executable: /usr/sbin/tcpdump
Command Line: tcpdump -vvv
PID: 695269 (Parent PID:110743)
Killed: No
Excessive resource usage: tcpdump
Re: Excessive resource usage: tcpdump
Assuming that process is stuck and can be killed off, just run:
If you still get more notifications of that process running for more than 3000 seconds run a lsof on it:
and check if it provides any clues for getting stuck, otherwise open up a ticket with cPanel so they can look into why the process is running for so long.
Code: Select all
kill -9 110743
Code: Select all
lsof -p PID