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Posted: 07 Nov 2017, 01:06
by cPanelAdam
It looks like there was a change in the cPanel ACLs of 'software' to 'thirdparty' - ... ence+Chart - going from version 66 to 68. The ACL that CSF tries to set is currently 'software-ConfigServer-csf', but the 'software' ACL is no longer available.
This has broken reseller access to the CSF UI in WHM.
If any additional information is needed, please let me know.
Re: WHM CSF Reseller UI ACL
Posted: 07 Nov 2017, 08:16
by ForumAdmin
Thank you for pointing out the change. We'll have a fix in the next release.
Re: WHM CSF Reseller UI ACL
Posted: 07 Nov 2017, 09:59
by ForumAdmin
I've done a lot of working investigating this: You may need to contact me (Jonathan) at our email address:
I am not sure that 'software' to 'thirdparty' is the issue here. thirdparty appears to only reference the "Manage Third-Party Services" ACL privilege. It does not appear to be a replacement for software-XXX.
Looking at the driver configuration page: ... erl+Module
This clearly shows software-XXX being used. Whether I leave our driver as-is or change it to thirdparty-XXX it never shows up as a custom ACL in WHM > Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges.
If you edit /var/cpanel/resellers directly and add software-XXX to a reseller (then restart cpsrvd and logout/login the reseller), then the custom ACL function works correctly. This again shows that the WHM backend is working fine, it's the UI in WHM > Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges which is failing to show the software-XXX custom ACL from the driver information and therefore cannot add the software-ConfigServer-csf ACL to the reseller file.
Re: WHM CSF Reseller UI ACL
Posted: 07 Nov 2017, 21:14
by cPanelAdam
My apologies for the confusion on this and thank you for checking. I'm still running into an issue with not being able to access the plugin via the reseller account. I'm going to check in with our devs on this.
Thank you again, have a great day.
Re: WHM CSF Reseller UI ACL
Posted: 09 Nov 2017, 21:10
by cPanelAdam
Hello all!
There is an open case to resolve this issue, CPANEL-16801. Unfortunately I don't have a time frame but I can see they are working on the issue.
You can keep an eye on the change log for 68 at ... Change+Log to see when the fix has been published.
Best regards,
Re: WHM CSF Reseller UI ACL
Posted: 21 Nov 2017, 16:17
by ForumAdmin
I see that this has now been fixed in v68.0.16 (EDGE)
Fixed case CPANEL-16801: Ensure the Edit Reseller Privileges interface displays 3rdparty software privs.
Re: WHM CSF Reseller UI ACL
Posted: 23 Nov 2017, 17:21
by caisc
cpanel v68.0.16 shows this fixed, but in my WHM
@ Home - Resellers »Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges
I am still unable to find that config server option that allows usage of plugin to resellers.
Anyone else faced this issue?