Cluster service crashing after upgrade to 10.15
Posted: 25 Jul 2017, 02:04
We noticed random servers in our csf cluster were not responding when sent DENY commands.
Restarting at cli with csf -ra reopens the port:
But just a few minutes later, it closes again:
There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason.
Any ideas what happened in the update?
Restarting at cli with csf -ra reopens the port:
Code: Select all
[ Mon Jul 24 17:56:11 ]
[ root@cp1 ~># csf -p|grep 7777
7777/tcp -/- - (9359/root) lfd Cluster Server /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/524/bin/perl
Code: Select all
[ Mon Jul 24 18:01:58 ]
[ root@cp1 ~># csf -p|grep 7777
[ Mon Jul 24 18:02:00 ]
[ root@cp1 ~>#
Any ideas what happened in the update?