Reinstall clamv, disable clamvconnector and reinstall MailScanner.
Every MailScanner Status: Disabled! - you have either installed clamavconnector by mistake or incorrectly installed ClamAV
What do I make still light?
MailScanner Status: Disabled!
Check the advanced exim configuration editor in whm to make sure that you do not have anything about clamav in the first text box.
Also you may need to completely remove clamav and then reinstall it. Here are instructions for removing it:
killall clamd
rpm -e clamav-db clamd clamav clamav-devel
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/bin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/sbin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/lib/libclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/share/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/include/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/bin/freshclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/etc/clamav*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/sbin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/lib/libclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/share/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/include/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/freshclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/etc/clamav*
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.daily/freshclam
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.hourly/freshclam
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.d/freshclam
Then follow the instructions on our website or in the FAQ to reinstall it.
Also you may need to completely remove clamav and then reinstall it. Here are instructions for removing it:
killall clamd
rpm -e clamav-db clamd clamav clamav-devel
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/bin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/sbin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/lib/libclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/share/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/include/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/bin/freshclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/etc/clamav*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/sbin/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/lib/libclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/share/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/include/clam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/freshclam*
/bin/rm -Rfv /usr/local/etc/clamav*
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.daily/freshclam
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.hourly/freshclam
/bin/rm -fv /etc/cron.d/freshclam
Then follow the instructions on our website or in the FAQ to reinstall it.
Sarah wrote:What version of cPanel are you running, and have you enabled incoming-only scanning for MailScanner?
WHM 11.15.0 cPanel 11.18.3-R21703
CENTOS Enterprise 4.6 i686 on standard - WHM X v3.1.0
MailScanner - v4.66.5 installed
ConfigServer MailScanner Script - v2.64 installed and up to date
ClamAV - v0.93 installed and up to date