I've got a server that's shutting down nightly at two am and I'm trying to track down the cause. I found this in the mailed logs and am wondering if you could tell me whether any of the statements are cause for concern or whether they are safe to be ignored.
SpamAssassin temporary working directory is /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp : 39 Time(s)
Commercial virus checker failed with real error: Can't fork at /usr/mailscanner/lib/MailScanner/SweepViruses.pm line 999. : 2 Time(s)
File checker /usr/bin/file timed out! : 1 Time(s)
I don't think any of those are anything to worry about. The first one is a normal line that occurs every time MailScanner starts. If the other two only happen occasionally it probably doesn't indicate a problem.