While Mailscanner is successfully blocking all kinds of unacceptable attachements, it is trying to notify the sender by returning the following type of message:
One or more of the attachments (Fees_2008-2009.zip, Fees_2008-2009.doc.exe) are on
the list of unacceptable attachments for this site and will not have
been delivered.
Consider renaming the files to avoid this constraint.
The virus detector said this about the message:
Report: Report: MailScanner: Windows/DOS Executable (Fees_2008-2009.doc.exe)
Report: No programs allowed (Fees_2008-2009.doc.exe)
Email Virus Scanner
Considering that most of these messages are coming from spoofed email addresses, those warnings get frozen in my Mail queue. Is there a way to prevent Mailscanner to send these notices? Do you recommend it?
I have thought about turning off those, which you can do, but then the ones that SHOULD get the message never do and then you get calls that email is broken. If you really want to stop the messages update your mailscanner configuration in this section:
# Notifications back to the senders of blocked messages
# -----------------------------------------------------
Otherwise, run a program which I run that scans my mail queue every x hours and deletes messages that are bounced or sitting there waiting to be delivered and can not be.
works great and runs from a cron every four hours. Figure if the email has not been delivered in up to four hours... too bad! I use this for a number of different types and have never had a problem.
Thank you JD for your advices. I will closely look at Mailscanner settings. As for cleaning up the mail queue, I’d like to stay RFC compliant (up to 4 days)... To your knowledge, can this script clear only "frozen" messages?
JDStallings wrote:I have thought about turning off those, which you can do, but then the ones that SHOULD get the message never do and then you get calls that email is broken. If you really want to stop the messages update your mailscanner configuration in this section:
# Notifications back to the senders of blocked messages
# -----------------------------------------------------
On my box the Mailscanner config file is located at:
Warning: Be very careful when changing any of the parameters within this file as changes could stop email being processed on the server and/or email to be lost completely.