Just wondering if you've come across this before.
I enabled logging this morning as it's been happening for a couple of weeks now.
I normally have daily failures. These are the messages just before it fails.
Other than these errors, are MailScanner and clamav working correctly? No errors in the maillog? What happens when you type in 'freshclam' at the command prompt?
Thanks for the response.
There are no errors in maillog at the time of those clamav errors, or anywhere else that I can see.
When I run freshclam it updates itself as it should do normally.
ClamAV update process started at Fri Jul 4 20:19:43 2008
main.cld is up to date (version: 47, sigs: 312304, f-level: 31, builder: sven)
Downloading daily-7639.cdiff [100%]
daily.cld updated (version: 7639, sigs: 29784, f-level: 31, builder: guitar)
Database updated (342088 signatures) from database.clamav.net (IP:
Clamav generally fails around 5am, so I'll hold out until then to see if freshclam has helped.