CSF csf.pignore - ignore WGET correctly?

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CSF csf.pignore - ignore WGET correctly?

Post by tppweb »

Recently I disabled WP-CRON for wordpress and started using CPANEL with WGET to replace it. I've started getting emails "lfd on XXXXX: Suspicious process running under user". I found some instructions on where to go to tell CSF to ignore these in the /etc/csf/csf.pignore edit, but I'm unclear exactly how to do this. Here is what the LFD emails are showing:


Command Line (often faked in exploits):
wget -q -O - https://www.SOMEUSER.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron

I have several websites using this (and more soon) so ideally I would like to do a wildcard for this. So far I tried this:


Which didn't work, likely because its not the full path. So would I use something like this?


So it works for all accounts? Or would it be this one?


Any help is greatly appreciated :).
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