I have received a few emails over the past few weeks similar to the following content. Can someone tell me if this is a serious issue and what I can do to fix it.
find: `/proc/5049': No such file or directory
find: `/proc/5799': No such file or directory
find: `/proc/5801': No such file or directory
/usr/lib/php/.registry /usr/lib/php/.registry/.channel.doc.php.net /usr/lib/php/.registry/.channel.pecl.php.net /usr/lib/php/.registry/.channel.__uri /usr/lib/php/.depdblock /usr/lib/php/.depdb /usr/lib/php/.channels /usr/lib/php/.channels/.alias /usr/lib/php/.filemap /usr/lib/php/.lock
/usr/lib/php/.registry /usr/lib/php/.registry/.channel.doc.php.net /usr/lib/php/.registry/.channel.pecl.php.net /usr/lib/php/.registry/.channel.__uri /usr/lib/php/.channels /usr/lib/php/.channels/.alias
You have 1 process hidden for readdir command
You have 1 process hidden for ps command
chkproc: Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed