Whenever CSF (re)starts it's supposed to execute /etc/csf/csfpost.sh.
However, it does not execute this file after auto-updating.
CSF Version: Every version over the past ~year at least, currently running "csf: v11.05 (DirectAdmin)"
Running on CentOS 7 with DirectAdmin.
Csftest shows no problems.
On a related note, is there a better way to deal with Docker on CSF? Currently using this script that I nicked online somewhere, but it's more of a hack than a real solution:
Code: Select all
echo "[DOCKER] Setting up FW rules."
iptables -N DOCKER
# Masquerade outbound connections from containers
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
# Accept established connections to the docker containers
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -o docker0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Allow docker containers to communicate with themselves & outside world
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT
echo "[DOCKER] Done."