i found a file it have this code
# This file is part of the phpseclib project.
# (c) Andreas Fischer <bantu@phpbb.com>
# For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
# file that was distributed with this source code.
set -e
set -x
# Create phpseclib user and home directory
sudo useradd --create-home --base-dir /home "$USERNAME"
# Set phpseclib user password
echo "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" | sudo chpasswd
# Create a 1024 bit RSA SSH key pair without passphrase for the travis user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -q -N ""
# Add the generated private key to SSH agent of travis user
ssh-add "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
# Allow the private key of the travis user to log in as phpseclib user
sudo mkdir -p "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/"
sudo cp "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys"
sudo chown "$USERNAME:$USERNAME" "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/" -R
how i can block it?
it upladed success by someone
i hope that you can block it with you next update for cxs
how to block this file
Re: how to block this file
See this article for information on how to submit a file to us and also how to configure your cxs to detect and quarantine it:
https://support.configserver.com/en/kno ... -detect-it
https://support.configserver.com/en/kno ... -detect-it
Re: how to block this file
i have this file
shall i work on it?
and can you please tell me what line shall i block and what shall i put in cxs.xtra.example
this is what i found on my server
# Create phpseclib user and home directory
sudo useradd --create-home --base-dir /home "$USERNAME"
# Set phpseclib user password
echo "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" | sudo chpasswd
# Create a 1024 bit RSA SSH key pair without passphrase for the travis user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -q -N ""
# Add the generated private key to SSH agent of travis user
ssh-add "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
# Allow the private key of the travis user to log in as phpseclib user
sudo mkdir -p "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/"
sudo cp "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys"
sudo chown "$USERNAME:$USERNAME" "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/" -R
i hope that you can help me
shall i work on it?
and can you please tell me what line shall i block and what shall i put in cxs.xtra.example
this is what i found on my server
# Create phpseclib user and home directory
sudo useradd --create-home --base-dir /home "$USERNAME"
# Set phpseclib user password
echo "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" | sudo chpasswd
# Create a 1024 bit RSA SSH key pair without passphrase for the travis user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -q -N ""
# Add the generated private key to SSH agent of travis user
ssh-add "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
# Allow the private key of the travis user to log in as phpseclib user
sudo mkdir -p "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/"
sudo cp "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys"
sudo chown "$USERNAME:$USERNAME" "/home/$USERNAME/.ssh/" -R
i hope that you can help me
Re: how to block this file
No, you should copy that one to cxs.xtra and work on the new file.
We would recommend that you create an md5sum of the file as described in detail in the article I gave you.