Auto-Update to 7.01 Blew Up Config Files

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Auto-Update to 7.01 Blew Up Config Files

Post by phishfood »

Started getting pages of LFD crashing

csf -r reports

Error: (iptables binary location) does not exist!, at line 43

I have a diff file of csf.conf from before update but not sure I want to post it here in public

Looks like it totally blew up and removed the

# SECTION:OS Specific Settings

Section. Maybe more still looking trying to get back up.

Don't know if this is 6.48 -> 7.01 or 7.00 -> 7.01

Upon further looking it just chopped off the config file around line 1006

I took everything after line 1006 from csf.conf.preupdate and pasted onto end of csf.conf after making backup of csf.conf
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Re: Auto-Update to 7.01 Blew Up Config Files

Post by ForumAdmin »

That usually suggests that you had an invalid entry in your csf.conf prior to upgrading. If you have the pre-update csf.conf file still available, please email it to us at sales[at], together with the details of which csf version you running (cpanel/directadmin or generic) and we'll see if we can spot where the problem might be.
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