I have searched about the file csf.dnscache but I am not sure what this file is having. I can see an entry similar to the following one.
# cat /etc/csf/csf.dnscache||206-169-86-130.static.twtelecom. net||c-67-182-18-58.hsd1. ca.comcast. net||93-97-146-248.zone5. bethere. co. uk||
Does this file blocks these IP addresses? Are they tracking any information about these IPs to do any action in the future like csf.tempip.
Please help me.
Re: csf.dnscache
This seems to be a block when the firewall detects many connections to the server, i.e. pop/imap logins, cpanel login. Apart from blocks in csf.tempban, tempip or deny, the IP is blocked in csf.dnscache, this file is a kind of temporary block but allows you to connect to the server some times at day.
This seems to be a block when the firewall detects many connections to the server, i.e. pop/imap logins, cpanel login. Apart from blocks in csf.tempban, tempip or deny, the IP is blocked in csf.dnscache, this file is a kind of temporary block but allows you to connect to the server some times at day.