Hi there. I have followed instructions in multiple threads on how to disable outgoing scanning. Having clients emails being flagged as spam on the way out is no good.
What is a sure fire way to make sure outgoing scanning is turned off?
Thank you.
Disable OutGoing Scanning
Re: Disable OutGoing Scanning
On a cPanel install that hasn't been possible for almost 2 years.
Re: Disable OutGoing Scanning
If you are using the Mailscanner Front-End, ensure that WHM > ConfigServer MailScanner FE > MailScanner Front-End > Advanced Settings > Spam scanning and Virus Scanning are both set to To: and not FromOrTo:. If an email address ON the server is included in the recipient list, the mail will be scanned regardless.
Re: Disable OutGoing Scanning
So it sounds like MS on cPanel once again supports only To:?
Curious when that changed again?
Curious when that changed again?
Re: Disable OutGoing Scanning
Setting Spam Scanning etc. to To: only changes what is *scanned*. If I recall correctly, it used to be possible to configure MS to not even process outgoing mail at all, so it completely bypassed MS. Now all mail will be processed by MailScanner but you can still configure it to only *scan* incoming mail using the rulesets. This has always been possible.
Re: Disable OutGoing Scanning
Thanks Sarah.
Hopefully shutterbrandon has the answer he was looking for.
Hopefully shutterbrandon has the answer he was looking for.