i installed your free version of MailScanner on two of our servers with cpanel.
First couple of days things seemed to work great, but after our clients started complaining that the emails are not being delivered in time, sometimes with 4 or 5 hours delay.
i sent an email from my personal mail (xxx[at]mydomain[dot]com) to an gmail account and took one hour to deliver:
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# cat /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9
2012-05-08 16:52:50 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9 <= xxx[at]mydomain[dot]com H=(mypc) [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]:51106 P=esmtpa A=dovecot_login:xxx[at]mydomain[dot]com S=67833 id=!&!AAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAhhcKQeAQ5DpQ1kkYEP/YzCgAAAEAAAAMht6OF2WidLhzaKVs60DBIBAAAAAA==[at]mydomain[dot]com T="password" for yyyy[at]gmail[dot]com
2012-05-08 17:52:33 cwd=/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/32610 34 args: /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim_outgoing.conf -Mc 1SRngh-0002yV-6Z 1SRnZF-0001HM-0D 1SRngF-0002s3-JK 1SRngY-0002v9-D1 1SRnOh-0007Iz-1b 1SRnNb-00073i-AJ 1SRnVh-0000QR-59 1SRnaZ-0001bC-Ra 1SRnZh-0001Ny-Oo 1SRnOh-0007Jw-Hh 1SRneb-0002af-GW 1SRnaY-0001aK-80 1SRnZZ-0001Mi-Qu 1SRnYh-00018W-Ae 1SRnUZ-00009d-KI 1SRnMh-0006pz-5w 1SRnQb-0007iD-SX 1SRnZF-0001HP-ST 1SRnWZ-0000d0-Mh 1SRnKZ-0006QM-Md 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9 1SRnfJ-0002hU-SE 1SRnHh-0005eL-4N 1SRnQl-0007jn-Mj 1SRneh-0002bL-SK 1SRnMh-0006py-Vf 1SRngF-0002s6-Kd 1SRnHY-0005bg-Si 1SRnch-00028o-Sv 1SRnWh-0000ed-VW
2012-05-08 17:53:03 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9 SMTP connection outbound 1336499583 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9 mydomain[dot]com yyyy[at]gmail[dot]com
2012-05-08 17:53:05 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9 => yyyy[at]gmail[dot]com R=dkim_lookuphost T=dkim_remote_smtp H=gmail-smtp-in[dot]l[dot]google[dot]com [] X=TLSv1:RC4-SHA:128
2012-05-08 17:53:05 1SRneY-0002Zw-F9 Completed
Server #1 specs:
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Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5150 @ 2.66GHz - Cache 4096 KB
10Gb ram
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2x AMD Opteron 6164 HE 12-Core
12Gb ram