This is a huge deal. Have you since found a work around? We definitely need the ability to disable scanning for accounts for outgoing emails as this adds a considerable strain for our clients that send out newsletters to our clients.Sarah wrote:Unfortunately due to some changes in exim it is no longer possible to run MailScanner in incoming-only mode, so that option has been removed.
{disarmed} MailScanner has detected fraud ON OUTGOING MAILS
Re: {disarmed} MailScanner has detected fraud ON OUTGOING MA
Re: {disarmed} MailScanner has detected fraud ON OUTGOING MA
It is not possible to get around this as far as we are aware. The option used is not available in cPanel and there is no other way to do it.
Re: {disarmed} MailScanner has detected fraud ON OUTGOING MA
In one way it's actually better to add individual domains to /usr/mailscanner/etc/rules/spam.whitelist.rules than to just not scan outgoing mail at all.
Scanning outgoing mail by default can offer some protection if an email account is compromised or if a web form is high-jacked.
Scanning outgoing mail by default can offer some protection if an email account is compromised or if a web form is high-jacked.
Re: {disarmed} MailScanner has detected fraud ON OUTGOING MAILS
I find this brutally obnoxious as well. Pretty much EVERY email I receive from a business that has the SLIGHTEST bit of HTML in the body gets this big red obnoxious "Mailscanner has detected possible fraud attempt, etc." -- I Googled it myself and came to the hunch that just putting "no" in marking phishing or fraud in the configuration editor would do it. I JUST did it so I don't know yet.
Highlight Phishing Fraud = no (there's a similarly worded one having to do with mailto links that I tagged "no" as well). I'm very open to changing it back if I've overdone it?
Highlight Phishing Fraud = no (there's a similarly worded one having to do with mailto links that I tagged "no" as well). I'm very open to changing it back if I've overdone it?